8 Wall Street Wolf Tips for Dentists

Learn 8 tips from Jordan Belfort, the famous Wall Street Wolf, who can help you Dentist succeed in Dentistry. Many of the tips are fully in line with the tools we use in the Dentist Coaching Program, see:
1. Control your emotional state: “We make the best decisions when we are in a state of emotional empowerment. In it, the feelings of certainty, clarity, courage and confidence arise”, he says. For Jordan, it is necessary to learn to control the emotional state and to know the right times to enter this "empowerment". It's no use, you fellow dentist surgeon, make decisions at times when you are hot-headed or anxious. For example, setting up a new clinic, expanding your office, expanding the clinic's staff, investing in marketing, and so on. In the middle of the hole we ended up making decisions that further complicate our future situation.
2. Escape from limiting beliefs: Every human being believes that he is unable to achieve certain goals. “Stop looking at these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive ones,” he says. Convince yourself that you can do something you crave, even if it seems far away at first. In the Coaching Program for Dentists we worked a lot on this attitude change.
3. Focus on your goals: Get a clear view of your personal and professional life today and in five years. Define the people you should team up with to reach the goal, and find out what you need to learn to make it possible. Good partnerships can leverage your career and your business, bad partnerships can take you to the bottom, so have clear goals and look for partnerships that drive you up. People end up overestimating what they can accomplish in 1 year and underestimating what they can accomplish in 5 years. In the Coaching Program we use goal-setting tools and mindmaps to get you to create and accomplish your goals in a structured way. A goal without action is just a dream, think about it!
4. Set high standards: Everyone has a standard amount of money they need to earn in a month or a year. However, it is common for people to sabotage themselves because they set very low standards of success. “Always keep in mind that your standards should be outside your comfort zone,” says Belfort. If you are comfortable with what you have today you will not grow more than that, start getting annoyed, always seek growth.
5. Follow the 'rules' of entrepreneurship: Fail elegantly. As an entrepreneur you will fail more than get it right. Minimize the pain of losing and time wasted and maximize the lessons you learned from failure. “We are not the mistakes of our past. We are the resources we got from failures. Fail quickly and win fiercely”, says Belfort.
6. Learn Marketing: Get the most out of your marketing skills, both offline and online, and discover your target audience. This process involves not only finding out how many people you will bring to the office, but also how best to work with them to generate income for your business. Learn how to deliver exactly what your patient wants and not what is convenient for you. Exceed your patient's expectations, whether in prosthesis, orthodontics, aesthetics or whatever small service you perform. Delight and this will be your best marketing.
7. Become a close-knit person: Becoming influential and persuasive is vital for any dentist and you are no different. The ability to convince someone else is nothing more than the transfer of an emotion called certainty. You must be sure of the quality of your product or service and pass it on to the customer. Do you trust the service you provide and sell? Are you sure?
To take control of one negotiation, you must convince the other that you are smart and sharp in the first four seconds of conversation. For this, your tone of voice and body language should show that you are enthusiastic about the business and are an expert in the field.
8. Set up multiple streams of income: Don't make the common mistake of depositing all your chips in one deal. “Your main goal should be to build different sources of income and learn how to make your money more money,” he says. Think of alternatives in case a crisis such as the current one affects your office, doesn't depend entirely on your client base, opens new opportunities and horizons in the medium and long term.
Source: Marketing em Odontologia. Available at: https://cursos.marketingemodontologia.com.br/coaching-para-dentistas/8-dicas-do-lobo-de-wall-street-para-dentistas.html. Access on: 11/26/2019.