April Fool's Day: discover the 8 little lies most heard by dentists

Brushing your teeth three times a day, flossing, visiting the dentist periodically and following everything that guides you is essential to keep your oral health up to date. But you can tell the truth, you can't always comply with all these rules, right? Everyone knows that, but what you can't do is try to deceive the dentist at the time of the consultation because my friend, the condition of your mouth delivers all your misconduct, you can bet.
To prove this, we gathered some professionals in the field and asked them: what lies do you hear most in the office? Check the list and see if you need to revise your repertoire of lies.
1- My bracket fell alone (either by eating bread crumbs or brushing my teeth ...)
This sentence was cited as the most said by patients who use a device. According to the orthodontists consulted for the preparation of this matter, dentists know that the brackets do not fall so easily and that, probably, you were eating something very hard, contrary to their guidelines.
2- I am using the mobile device correctly, just today that I left in the box and forgot to bring
If this phrase is a lie, the professional will find out as soon as he analyzes his dental arch, because if you are really using the device as it should, the dentist will know how to identify the progress in treatment.
3- I am using the rubber bands 24 hours a day. I don't shoot for anything, I only took it now because I knew I was coming for a consultation
Dentists know that putting on rubber bands is one of the things orthodontic patients hate the most. Here's an infallible theme to catch a lie in these cases. "Ask the patient to put the elastic in front of him, often the patient doesn't even remember how he does it," says the specialist.
4- I thought they were going to call me to make an appointment
Every time a treatment is started, the dentist explains to the patient the need to keep visiting periodically, but many disappear and do not come back to finish the job.
Except that when the mouth hurts again or the problem starts to get serious they always return with a good excuse on the tip of the tongue, and claiming that they waited for the office to get in touch is one of the most used excuses, according to our sources.
5- Wow, I brush my teeth and floss 3 times a day, I don't know how my tooth still gets dirty
According to Rodolfo Segawa, an orthodontist, often the teeth are so full of plaque and leftover food that it is impossible to believe this lie. "This is when the patient does not have his gums all inflamed (red swollen and bleeding), a clear sign that the mouth has not seen a dental floss for a while," says the specialist.
6- I broke the tooth, but I think it was loose for a long time
The same excuse used for broken appliance parts is for broken or fractured teeth. For Alexandre Bussab, a dental surgeon specialized in aesthetics, no matter the excuse used, the patient needs to claim that he was not to blame for anything.
"Some even say that the broken tooth was the one that I moved recently, inducing that maybe it is my fault, and then when I go to see it in the registry, the treatment happened years ago", says the specialist.
7- I go to the dentist every six months
This is another sentence that can be easily dropped with just a simple analysis of your teeth. “A well-kept mouth with the supervision of a professional for at least twice a year does not have caries, gingivitis or any other more serious oral problem, because otherwise the dentist would have already detected and treated it during this period”, says Osmar Legucci , dentist and periodontist.
8- I think my bad breath comes from the stomach, because I brush my teeth very well every day
For Maria Cecília Aguiar, president of the Brazilian Association of Halitosis (ABHA), what professionals specialized in combating halitosis hear most in their first consultations to treat this type of problem is this phrase. Little do patients know that over 90% of bad breath cases originate in the mouth.
Source: Educação em Saúde – Blog Odontologia. Available at: https://www.eadplus.com.br/blog/conheca-as-8-mentirinhas-mais-ouvidas-pelos-dentistas/. Access on: 03/31/2021.