Blue November: support the cause and motivate your patients


In Brazil, prostate cancer is the second most common among men. More than any other type, it is considered a cancer of the elderly, for every ten men diagnosed with prostate cancer, nine are over 55 years old.

The increase observed in incidence rates here in Brazil can be partially justified by the evolution of diagnostic methods (exams), by the improvement in the quality of the country's information systems and by the increase in life expectancy.

Some of these tumors can grow quickly, spread to other organs and can lead to death. The vast majority, however, grow so slowly (it takes about 15 years to reach 1 cm³) that it does not show signs during life or threaten the health of man. In 2017 alone, 61 thousand new cases were detected.

In support of the November Blue cause, we have separated some important information for you to stay on top of the disease. Also, so you can inform your patients about it.

What are the symptoms?
- Difficulty urinating;
- It takes to start and finish urinating;
- Blood in the urine;
- Decreased urine flow;
- Need to urinate more often during the day or night.

In the initial stage, cancer usually does not show symptoms. But it is always important to pay attention to all the details and, of course, do the preventive exams.

Tests that detect prostate cancer

Digital rectal examination: the doctor assesses the size, shape and texture of the prostate by inserting the finger protected by a lubricated glove into the rectum. This examination allows palpation of the posterior and lateral parts of the prostate.

PSA test: it is a blood test that measures the amount of a protein produced by the prostate - Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA). High levels of this protein can mean cancer, but also benign prostate diseases.

Dentist, get in the mood and encourage prevention

As a way of encouraging prevention, a possible idea of ​​support for the Blue November movement would be the creation of posters to be spread at the reception and in the office with relevant information about the disease and its most common symptoms. In addition, a frank conversation with your patients can help them clarify doubts and taboos related to the topic.

Source: Blog Dental Cremer. Available at: Acees on: 10/31/2020.