Discover 10 books that every dentist should read

Competitiveness in the job market is increasing every day, and it is essential to always seek new knowledge to stand out. Therefore, it is very important that dental professionals are constantly updating themselves, whether in issues related to the area or the management of the office.
There are a number of books for dentists that can yield good knowledge regarding marketing, entrepreneurship, management and sales. Check out ten suggestions for your library below.
1- The Dentist's Book (Author: Daniel Korytnicki)
Starting the list with a children's book, written by the Uruguayan dentist Daniel Korytnicki. He narrates his own mission to try to reduce the fear of patients of the famous “little engine”. All of this is mixed with poetic license and curiosities about the history of Dentistry.
With beautiful illustrations by Marcelo Cipis, “O Livro do Dentista” is an excellent way to rediscover the profession of dentist under a playful and naive look.
2- How to Chat with Anyone (Author: Leil Lowndes)
One of the prerequisites for a good dental surgeon is knowing how to communicate with your patients. This factor can influence the effectiveness of the treatment, the quality of the services provided, the recurrence of consultations and even the referral marketing.
In this book, Leil Lowndes, a specialist in interpersonal communication, provides 92 tricks developed from his studies to achieve success in personal and professional relationships.
Among the lessons of the author, the following can be highlighted: “Nobody reaches the peak alone, and to go far, it is necessary to know how to communicate with other people”.
3- Your Customer Can Pay More (Author: Ian Brooks)
Many professionals, afraid of being charging more than the patient can afford, make their prices more flexible so that they are more “affordable”. What they do not consider, however, is that in doing so they are devaluing the services themselves.
The book deals with the price discrepancy in the main markets, and how, even with such different values, the most expensive products remain the most purchased. Author Ian Brooks also presents the impact that discounts can have on your revenue margin.
4- The New Logic of Success (Author: Roberto Shinyashiki)
Written by the Brazilian psychiatrist and entrepreneur Roberto Shinyashiki, author of several bestsellers in the area of management and self-help, this book contains valuable lessons for those who feel professionally stagnant.
It is mainly focused on the mindset behind success, with lessons on how to captivate and influence a team to generate results, the cycle of progressive wealth and common mistakes in business.
5- If Disney Run Your Hospital (Author: Fred Lee)
Like Disney organizations, clinics and hospitals are companies that cannot lose their focus on enchantment and compassion for people. For this reason, the author draws several parallels between the two types of business.
Fred Lee brought together his experience as an executive in hospitals and a stint at Disney organizations to show how it is possible to turn service delivery into a more enjoyable experience.
6- Companies Made to Win (Author: Jim Collins)
Jim Collins was a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and wrote several bestsellers in the field of business management. “Companies Made to Win” is one of them, which seeks to unravel the secret of lasting companies.
The author uses practical examples of strategies that can be employed to increase the growth of his dental practice, and proposes to the reader real challenges for this.
7- Marketing and Sales for Dentists (Author: Heloísa Borges)
Marketing has increasingly become an indispensable study, regardless of the area of activity. To bring this knowledge to dentistry professionals, professor-doctor Heloísa Borges prepared these studies with important theories and practices.
It is an indispensable management book for dentists who intend to open or expand their offices and achieve their goals.
8- Mentality (Author: Pablo Paucar)
An entrepreneur for over 20 years, Paulo Paucar wrote this book to unravel the mentality behind successful people through a journey of self-knowledge.
It contains several exercises and challenges to motivate the reader to reach each stage of growth in your dental office.
9- The Monk and the Executive (Author: James C. Hunter)
Released in 1998, this novel remains current. The plot tells the story of an executive who goes to a Christian monastery to spend a few days in contact with a monk to find a new meaning in his life. There, he discovers the principles of being a true leader.
The book was very successful, especially in Brazil, where it has sold more than 3 million copies, and is mandatory for all managers.
10- The Power of Habit (Author: Charles Duhigg)
Charles Duhigg unveils how habits in contemporary society work and how it is possible to change and use them in favor of interpersonal relationships in business.
In the book, there are several examples of companies that, by modifying small habits, have achieved great growth.
Reading is an important part of the profession of a dental surgeon. In addition to continuing to update yourself in your profession, you will be able to develop new skills in areas that can add to your career.
Source: Blog Surya Dental. Available at: Access on: 04/22/2021.