Essential equipment for setting up a dental laboratory


Setting up a dental laboratory is a dream of many professionals in this area. For this plan to come to fruition, as in any other business, it takes planning and of course investing in good specialized use equipment. If you are unsure what it takes to set up your dental lab, follow the suggestions listed below:

1. Plaster Cutter

The plaster cutter is equipment for trimming and finishing models made of plaster. With it you can program the construction of molds and even diversify production in a standardized way. In addition, it is easy to prevent water leakage when cutting parts and to prevent plaster sticking in wear processes. It is a very easy to install equipment with insulated electrical system that eliminates any risk of shock to the operator.

2. Polishing Motor

The polishing motor is a tool to facilitate this work that was previously done manually. This is because it allows more shine and finishing in models of acrylics, alloys, diamonds, silver and resins. There are models with one or more speeds and it is possible to do the entire procedure dry, without causing dirt in the laboratory. In addition, when polishing the engine, the risks of cross-infection are greatly reduced.

3. Curing light

The curing light is a blue spectrum light emitting apparatus. Its wavelength activates a substance present in the resin and hardens the materials used in the laboratory. The goal is to increase the durability of restored procedures, such as tooth whitening sessions, for example. The variety of this equipment on the market is wide and today it is possible to find devices based on LED or halogen light.

4. Bubble Eliminator Pan

The bubble eliminating pan is another dental laboratory equipment that you should not give up. It is used for the polymerization of acrylic and its main function is to eliminate the bubbles of the prostheses. Through this procedure, the piece gains more strength and the result is a model with great finish. Easy to use and transport, it is one of the equipment that increases process accuracy and even shortens working time.

5.Prosthesis Centrifuge

The prosthetic centrifuge is indispensable for the process of casting metals with the blow torch. It is a tool to prevent melt during centrifugation from escaping by keeping it in the container. For this equipment, there are several models and with different functionalities. Therefore, it is best to choose an option that best meets the needs of your laboratory.

Choosing your work equipment well is a key step in performing the services. So, list everything you need and always prioritize the best brands.

Source: Odonto Equipamentos. Available at: Access on: 06/22/2020.