How to broaden your team and select the ideal collaborators to work in a dental office

In my articles for this column, I have always talked about the importance of well-defined processes within the clinic or office, and how these processes directly impact the quality of care provided. Recruitment and selection are issues that need to be addressed with great dedication, after all, it is the employees who will perform these processes and help you achieve business goals.
Before starting recruitment, it is essential to describe each position with its main characteristics, to relate tasks and thus to define a hiring profile with personal attributes appropriate to the characteristics and responsibilities of the position in question.
And now, what is the best way to recruit these candidates?
- Class Associations (job board);
- Companies specializing in recruitment;
- Ads in job classifieds;
- Indication of colleagues and collaborators;
- Job sites;
- Local market.
If the candidate is good, continue the interview and briefly describe the company, communicating its values and goals. Present the job and tasks to the candidate and test understanding of their responsibilities.
To make interviews more efficient, the following logic must be respected: In the first part of the interview, we should know the candidate, talking about his previous experiences, his desires and his skills, always observing his posture, ease of communication, shyness, appearance. , neatness, punctuality, etc.
In the last step of the interview you talk about values, asking the candidate what their financial yearnings are or, if you prefer, ask them if they know your value in the job market. And so, you will be able to negotiate the salary that the company is prepared to reward the new employee.
Once a candidate is approved, he / she must go through an immersion period before taking office. This will give you the opportunity to start your development correctly and prevent future failures.
Remember, hiring is just the beginning of a long job for those who want to build an amazing team that can surprise their patients.
Marinho Pinheiro Teixeira: Dental Surgeon - Unicid; MBA in Health Management and Marketing - São Leopoldo Mandic; Training of Dental Auditors - Fundecto; General Coordinator of the Management Center and partner of Altera - Service Intelligence Center.
Source: Implant News Prótese News. Available at: Access on: 12/09/2019.