How to work in an organized way in the dental office

We have already shown in another post the importance of keeping your office organized. In addition to the professionalism that is passed on to the client, this organizational process can make your day even more profitable. The only thing that varies is how you go about doing this. Here we have gathered eight tips that are universal and can be used, with the necessary adaptations, in any office:
1- Set aside time
Don't expect to arrive and find your office all organized overnight. This is a time-consuming process and the messier the environment is, the more work you will have to do to organize it. Do not be discouraged by this.
Here the main tip is to work in plots. If you decided to organize the stock first, focus on it and do a job well done, even creating a method of organization for the future.
Make a little planning when you plan to fix each space and stick to it. It may even take a while for everything to be ready, but the results will pay off.
2- Equipment
The dental office is a space that has different equipment, whether used during treatments or even those used by the secretary. As not all are used at all times, you need to have a space where you can store them in an organized way so that you will know exactly where to find them when you need them.
Be especially careful with equipment that has wire. If they are fixed in a certain place, make these wires also fixed, either with channels on the floor or even keeping them curled in a specific place.
3- Control the schedule
Much of the office organization is part of your own organization. And you may even be very good at getting the materials in order, but if your schedule is not 100% it is likely to go awry throughout the day.
She is responsible for reminding you of the commitments and tasks you need to do. When you deregulate control of your schedule, you are likely to spend your time in an unproductive way and, as a result, the rest of the organization process will be compromised. Not to mention the wear and tear it can cause on your professional image.
4- Efficient sterilization system
Dental materials that are not disposable need to be sterilized before the next use and, therefore, this is a key process when organizing your office.
You need to maintain a sterilization scale in which you will know exactly which materials need to be and which have already been sterilized. In addition, maintaining a space for this type of material, which is organized and easily accessible, is essential.
5- Stock organization
In the same way that we talk about the equipment, here you also need a space that is dedicated exclusively to the stock of materials in your office.
In addition to keeping it organized according to the system that best suits you, the main thing is to make an efficient control of it. Only then will you know exactly what type of material needs to be replaced and avoid inconvenience at the time of the consultation.
6- Beware of patient documents
The entire treatment of a patient involves many documents. Registration, exams, radiographs, reports, treatment plans, budgets. Everything generates a new document. Knowing how to organize them is essential to keep the office in order and facilitate the search for information in the future.
If you do all of this on paper, you need to create a file that contains all of these materials, in addition to establishing a process of organization and location. If you do this in a virtual way, organize the documents in folders and create a method to find them later, either through folders with the name treatment or the name of the patient, for example. There are software that already do this automatically and are geared towards dentistry, meeting your needs as a dentist.
7- Discard
One of the main points of the organization is to know what should and should not be stored. Storing materials that have passed the expiration date, for example, is a waste of space.
The same with documents that are no longer legally valid. Pay attention to these details and periodically review what was previously filed.
8- Keep the organization
This is the main point of the entire organization. There is no point in making a perfect plan, getting excited at first and then letting everything go down the road.
Organization is an ongoing process and needs to be done at all times. Only then can your office stay organized and give a good image to your patients.
Source: LaudOnline. Available at: Access on: 05/19/2021.