IDS (International Dental Show): the largest dental fair in the world!

Every two years in Germany, the most important dental trade fair in the world, the International Dental Show (IDS), takes place. Check out some numbers of this fair full of superlatives: the last event happened in a space of 166,000 m² (equivalent to about 23 football fields), with more than 2,000 exhibitors from 59 countries, presenting 944 new products and receiving more than 150,000 visitors .
The event always takes place in the city of Cologne (Köln) during 5 days of the month of March, with biennial frequency. The fair is a place of reference of the most recent in dental technology in the whole world and it occurs about 70 years ago, promoted by Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH (something like "Society for the Promotion of Dental Industry Ltda"). The IDS website provides not only the list of exhibitors divided by country, but also the list of products being presented, many of them even available in the market yet, and topics covered through lectures and mini-courses. With the IDS app it is possible to better schedule the time within the event and map the areas of interest.
ABIMO, the Brazilian Association of the Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Equipment and Products Industry, was present at the event and provided almost 350 square meters of a group of 36 Brazilian companies, composing the pavilion that represented Brazil within IDS in 2017. "Brazilian companies own most of the national dental market, with only a few imports. After the United States, Brazil is the country that conducts most of the dental research. 20% of all dentists in the world work in Brazil. 2 million implants are placed every year, "says Paul H. Fraccaro, superintendent of ABIMO, for the Dental Tribune website.
The next IDS will take place from March 12 to 16, 2019. The host city, Cologne, is the fourth largest in Germany and lies in the west of the country, being 200km (with a train going at 330km / h, by the way) away from Frankfurt, and 573km from Berlin. It's a dental destination to think about, huh?!
Source: Odontologia Nossa de Cada Dia. Available in: Access on: 01/08/2019.