International Dental Show (IDS) 2017: Ten good reasons for visiting the trade fair

Impressive figures - impressive innovations - a fascinating city - so don't miss IDS!
139,000 trade visitors from 152 countries, 2,199 companies from 59 countries on a total of 157,000 square metres of exhibition space - in the view of these figures from the year 2017, it is immediately clear to everyone: There are a multitude of reasons for visiting the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne from 12 to 16 March 2019. For example, the following ten:
1. Among all information possibilities on dental themes, IDS is the central forum and an unparalleled marketplace - big-scale, with a high degree of comfort and staged with great attention to deal.
2. IDS has firmly established itself as the global leading trade fair for dentistry and dental technology over the course of many decades. For example, it offers the most comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art technologies and current innovations, interesting product developments and new services.
3. Located in the heart of Europe, IDS is easily accessible from all over the world, the world capital of dentistry lies in Cologne every two years.
4. It is child's play to reach the fair, because the website offers efficient support for arrival by car, train or airplane as well as for finding and booking a hotel.
5. IDS is organised by the GFDI Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH, the commercial enterprise of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI). Which itself is an industry association with a long tradition and which also disposes of the corresponding wealth of experience in organising exhibitions and trade fairs. This year VDDI is celebrating its 100th anniversary. It was founded as the Association of German Dental Manufacturers on 24 June 1916 and organised the first Dental Show in 1923.
6. IDS is an ideal place for an eventful outing with the entire team. While touring around the exhibition halls, you certainly won't be stuck for topics of conversation and each individual person will enjoy his own personal trade fair experience.
7. Making the preparations and organising one's visit in advance is easy. Because the website provides plenty of support here. You can find the exhibiting companies and themes here, which enable you to efficiently plan your visit to the trade fair in advance. The new IDS app, which contains many functions, and the Matchmaking tool are very useful while preparing one's visit and touring the fair in Cologne.
8. The trade visitors plan their tour around the exhibition halls based on the focal point of their practice or laboratory and according to the current investment needs. For instance, endodontists, orthodontists or dental technicians that specialise in implant prosthetics will quickly find those suppliers of the dental industry with whom they can cooperate as partners.
9. Beyond the industry exhibition, IDS offers an extensive supporting programme, including among others the traditional Speaker's Corner, the Generation Lounge or exciting award ceremonies (i.e. the Gysi Prize for aspiring young dental technicians). Further demonstrations and short lectures are held at the exhibition stands.
10. IDS is exciting, it demands a high degree of attentiveness, if one wants to exploit the maximum benefit. It is thus recommendable to explore the Cathedral city with one's team after a long day at the trade fair. There are more sights and opportunities for a cosy get-together in Cologne than in hardly any other city.
"Within seconds, I could think of at least twenty other reasons to visit IDS, the world's largest trade fair for dentistry and dental technology, in Cologne from 12 to 16 March 2019," Dr. Martin Rickert, Chairman of the VDDI (Association of the German Dental Manufacturers), assured. "That is why it goes without saying that I will visit the fair personally, meet up with plenty of trade visitors and hold interesting discussions with them."
Source: IDS 2019. Available in: Access on: 01/10/2019.