Is it worth taking an Orofacial Harmonization course?


The orofacial aesthetic market is really on the rise. Research indicates that Brazil will be the largest market in the area of ​​Orofacial Harmonization in the world by 2021.

When we stop to analyze the dental market, in general, aesthetic procedures are the most “favorite” by patients. Instead of choosing to rehabilitate an absent molar, the patient prefers to do a teeth whitening. This justification is supported by the fact that the toothless space does not appear in the smile, which is why trying and paying for treatments to save previous teeth are more frequent, since they appear in the smile and no one wants to show that toothless space.

We can follow this same argument for Orofacial Harmonization. They are treatment that involves aesthetics: brichectomy, botox, double chin, filling, rhinomodeling, among many others. And that ends up being a priority for many people. After all, who doesn't want to look better and younger?

That is why the area of ​​Orofacial Harmonization “has everything” to be a very lucrative area for dentists, because it involves procedures involving the aesthetics of the face and the need for repetition in a very short time. Not to mention that gave a big highlight to Dentistry!

Imagine a woman who did an orofacial matching service for wrinkle removal. The treatment made her prettier and younger. However, after a few months, the effect of the treatment wears off. She'll want to repeat because she simply wants to get younger, do you agree? This advantage alone makes Orofacial Harmonization stand out in terms of recurrence, as opposed to having a dental implant or restoration that will last decades or a lifetime.

However, as is always the case in any profession, there is a massive shift of professionals to a new field or one with a high potential for financial return. When we stopped to analyze the last 15 years, we found:
- Mid 2000: Boom of professionals taking courses in Orthodontics;
- Between 2008 and 2012: Boom of professionals taking courses in Implantology;
- 2015 to the present day: Boom of professionals taking courses in Orofacial Harmonization.

After the exodus of professionals for Orthodontics and Implantology, we realized that there was a considerable drop in the quality of these specialties in both technical and fees. The proof of this is that we find free appliances and implants at popular prices.

Very soon we will encounter the same situation in Orofacial Harmonization, as dentists lack management training to circumvent the large number of professionals working in a particular specialty.

Another factor to be taken into consideration is that it is not a specialty just performed by the dentist. Other professions such as medicine and biomedicine may also work. Mid-level professionals, such as the beautician, do some work as well (with limitations).

The amounts charged are very attractive to the dentist. There are procedures that bring a very interesting profit, such as brichectomy and others that have a recurrence at least every six months, such as the application of botox.

Is the area of ​​Orofacial Harmonization profitable? Yes. But don't think it's going to be your office panacea. With great chance, will occur with this specialty what happened with Orthodontics and Implantodontics. Therefore, it is essential to have a strategic planning of the office, including acting in social networks, to stand out in this specialty that, gradually, will be consumed by a huge number of professionals who will do it. I will leave a question below:
- What would you do to stand out in terms of dental marketing among hundreds of professionals who perform Orofacial Harmonization?

Source: Empreenda Dentista. Available at: Access on: 11/19/2019.
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