Patient loyalty after the Christmas and Nw Year's holidays

Less than a month to go until the Christmas and New Year parties and everyone is already preparing for the period of get-togethers and recess. This whole frenzy makes many forget to make their dental revisions, turning them into another new year promise! But how to guarantee patient loyalty after a period of so much rush?
Use of messaging applications
Obviously, doing a good job is the main point of customer loyalty. However, we need to use some mechanisms to remind the patient of the importance of initiating or continuing treatments. For this, technology is allied when the objective is to "make yourself seen".
An important feature is the use of messaging applications, such as WhatsApp. The "Business" version of this app allows the creation of a business account, with the company's data (such as location, e-mail, opening hours) as well as message scheduling. The professional can, for example, inform the period of recess, the date of return and already guide the patient about emergency situations and scheduling appointments.
Social networks always up to date
Updating the office's social networks also helps a lot. Scheduled posts with informative content of general interest make the patient not forget about you. In addition to promoting health education and being powerful marketing tools, social networks are a channel of communication between you and your patient quickly and effectively.
After all, who was never in doubt as to the opening hours of an establishment in the recesses? Whether it's working or not, when will it work again, etc. On social networks you can communicate patients at different times at the end of the year in your office, something simple, but that makes a difference. It is also worth investing in companies that specialize in creating images and textual production, or even subscribe to digital marketing content services. What should not be done is to stop updating the media, since today they are important tools in attracting customers.
Investing in patient relationships
Take advantage of the fact that January is usually a quieter month and invest in the relationship with the patient. You can send a message wishing him to have a great year, send tips on how he can improve oral health in this new cycle ...
New Year, New Brush: Remind the patient that they must change the toothbrush if they have been using the same brush for more than 3 months. If you want to go further, you can invite him to your office to get a gift brush, there are several companies that offer numerous options of Personalized Brushes, where you record your name and phone, that way, you will be more present on the day your patient's day.
Always keep in touch
As noted, there are several tools that are your allies. In addition, something very important is the frequency with which you communicate with your patients and future patients. Do not stay too long without keeping in touch, management software sends automatic messages to patients reminding them of appointments and return dates. And that makes a lot of difference because people simply forget to make appointments, especially when scheduling for more distant dates.
Loyalty is a constant process, so, by strengthening the relationship, it is more likely that he will return for reviews or continue the treatments already started in the previous year.
Source: Blog Dental Speed. Available at: Access on: 10/23/2020.