What to do if your dental office is empty in summer?

Summer months can be a tricky time for entrepreneurs and freelance professionals. Most people travel, while others insure spending to the full. These cuts are largely due to year-end and early-year spending: Christmas gifts, property tax, school supplies, travel, and so on.
During this, many dental offices and clinics may lose some of the movement, lowering appointments and revenue. This is a recurring thing and you must prepare for it as best you can.
Check out our tips so that summer doesn't become a nightmare for your dentistry business, and you can make the most of this quieter time.
- Plan financially for the period
Having an emergency reserve is the golden rule for peace of mind when things are slower. You must have a reserve for your personal accounts and one to cover office expenses when there is less billing.
Have at least three months of the fixed costs invested in a safe place. This ensures that you will be able to pay suppliers, employees, utility bills, taxes, software, etc.
This safe investment to hold your emergency reserve may be the Selic Direct Treasury, which you can redeem at any time and is the safest. Another option is digital accounts that yield 100% of CDI and allow immediate redemption, such as Nuconta or Picpay.
- Use the best marketing strategies.
Your reservation is in case much fewer patients appear in the summer than usual. However, this is a situation that you can reverse, or at least mitigate, with marketing strategies that bring patients to the office.
SMS marketing, for example, reminds people of your office at the right time. Be sure to create your campaigns in the summer, whether to present the advantages of treatments, disseminate information about oral health or talk about the news in your office. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year campaigns cannot miss either.
- Enjoy the time you have won
If you still see fewer calls in January and February, you can still make the most of it. Take the time to take courses, learn new things, take time to plan for next year, and even hire a consultancy.
Also take the opportunity to find a hobby that you enjoy, as having an activity outside the office can improve your well-being, your concentration and your relationships. Taking care of you is the first step in taking better care of your patients.
Source: Dentista Organizado. Available at: https://www.dentistaorganizado.com.br/noticia.html?id=289&O-que-fazer-se-seu-consultorio-fica-vazio-no-verao.htm. Access on: 12/01/2020.